Stakeholder Engagement
TCC values the opinions of its stakeholders, actively communicating and engaging with regard to material sustainability issues, which are incorporated in the corporate sustainable development blueprint. In line with the nature of the industry and with reference to the GRI Standards, SASB Standards, and Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) as well as AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard, it employs the five principles, i.e. Responsibility, Influence, Tension, Diverse Perspectives, and Dependency in the identification and ordering of stakeholder significance.

The results of the latest stakeholder engagement and its related plans were discussed at the interdepartmental meeting of the Corporate Sustainability Development Committee in November 8th, 2023. The discussion result was reported to the Board of Directors in November 10th, 2023. The mechanism of communication and reporting will be conducted at least twice each year. The result of the latest stakeholder engagement and the discussion topics are as below:

Assessment Process for Stakeholders and Material Issues

Sustainability Dialogues with Stakeholders
Pursuant to the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (SES), TCC employs the five principles, i.e. Responsibility, Influence, Tension, Diverse Perspectives, and Dependency in the identification and the ordering of stakeholder significance as follows: government agencies, clients, employees, local communities, shareholders/investors, environmental groups/NGOs, the media, industry associations/industrial and academic entities, suppliers/contractors, and sustainability associations.

Identification of Sustainability Issues
In consideration of the international trends of sustainable development, ESG assessment principles (MSCI, DJSI, and CDP), ESG standards (GRI Standards and SASB Standards), industry characteristics, and benchmark corporate practices, TCC compiles a list of sustainability issues covering those of corporate governance, economy, environment, and society. In 2021, a total of 225 valid questionnaires taken by stakeholders were collected, with which 5 executives of the Company assessed their levels of impact on the Company from the respective issues, financially and non-financially, in the short- / mid- / long-term, producing a list of concerned issues of stakeholders and a list of issues with operational impact. The Corporate Sustainable Development Committee convened meeting. Based on the outcomes of questionnaire analysis, combined with experiences of stakeholder engagement and the recent trends of sustainable development, the issues include climate actions and net-zero emissions; pollution control and management; legal compliance; resource co-processing; ethical management; local inclusion; green energy and energy storage; sustainable products; workplace health and safety; risk control; operational performances; and talent cultivation and development. In addition, considering that biodiversity is the focused sustainability trend, it is proactively listed as the material issue for TCC in 2021. Hence, a total of 13 material issues were identified for TCC in 2021.

Matrix of Material Issues

Stakeholder Engagement
Upholding the spirit of open transparency, TCC discloses information through a variety of communication channels, ensuring effective and quality communication results with its stakeholders. TCC systematically designed sustainability issue survey questionnaires, with which it collects and analyzes feedbacks of stakeholders; meanwhile, it evaluates the impacts and risk levels of sustainability issues on corporate operation, identifying material issues and prioritizes responses and reactions to meet the expectations of stakeholders toward TCC. In addition, TCC values expectations of its stakeholders for the Company and incorporates the areas of concern as the reference for corporate operation and sustainable development blueprint, so that TCC may better promote sustainable operation, fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities. TCC is convinced that only with smooth and effective communication channels with its stakeholders can TCC capture the pulses in the markets, economy, society, and environment, and ultimately put TCC’s sustainability missions of “Nature First” and “Benefit to Society” into action.

Quantified Communications Performance in 2021

Point of Contact